
Every friday afternoon I meet up with a group of handicapped people to paint. With alot of encouragement these good people produce some fantastic work und quite often little masterpieces. Ernst Bögle recently won a prize of recognition from the Löthar Späth Sponsorship. They are making a collection of artwork from handicapped people. Peter Kühn’s heart painting will be in next years Carita’s calender. Apart from painting there is alot of talking, laughing, listening to music and just being together. These people have taught me to be more patient, and accepting and to slow down in this rat race of a world.

ErnstErnst (Recognitions prize)

ErnstErnst Bögle

Peter Kühn and his heart-paintingHerzbild



Ingrid Petrie  |  Schwarzwaldstr. 36, 79117 Freiburg, Deutschland   |  +49 (0)761 289793  |